Finally we got some rain these past couple of days. It's been a while since G has seen rain so needless to say she was excited to be out in it, splashing around in any puddle she could find.
I always told myself that I would post more of the photos from the engagement of Clint and Jules but never did. So here we are. Some of my favorites. I think I said this in my earlier post, but how could you go wrong with such beautiful people. They were wed in early August. I wish you guys a lifetime of happiness!
We recently went to Yosemite National Park and there were mule deer just sitting in a meadow right next to a very busy bike path. They are so accustomed to people we could practically reach out and touch them.
I love how my beautiful daughter can make me angry with frustration and smiling with joy all at the same time. I guess that is how toddler hood is. Like poring water from cup to cup and missing it half the time, like brushing my hair or should I say hitting my head, and like insisting on eating her yogurt all by herself, and coming to find her lathered in it from head to toe. I love you Gwen! You make life interesting and fun!
My husband tells me our family blog is more like the Gwen blog so I decided to post some of her on the photography blog. She happens to be my most challenging yet always around subject. Can you blame me. Look at her!